JMS Ingress

Nstream provides a Java Message Service (JMS) Adapter library that greatly facilitates ingestion from JMS topics and queues. This guide demonstrates how to start a message consumer and process messages in Web Agents using minimal boilerplate.




implementation 'io.nstream:nstream-adapter-jms:4.15.23'


  <type>module</type> <!-- Remove or comment this line for non-modular projects -->


Ideal JmsIngestingPatch Conditions


Then you simply need to use the JmsIngestingPatch class, often without overriding any methods. Let’s demonstrate this by configuring an agent to receive messages from a local activeMQ installation, wholly in server.recon:

# server.recon
provisions: {
  @provision("activeMqConnectionFactory") {
    class: "nstream.adapter.jms.ConnectionFactoryProvision"
    def: {
      "connectionFactoryClass": "org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory"
      "brokerURL": "tcp://localhost:61616"
  @provision("activeMqConnection") {
    class: "nstream.adapter.jms.ConnectionProvision"
    def: {
      connectionFactoryProvisionName: "activeMqConnectionFactory"

vehicle: @fabric {
  @plane(class: "nstream.adapter.runtime.AppPlane")
  @node {
    uri: "/jms"
    @agent(class: "nstream.adapter.jms.JmsIngestingPatch") {
      jmsIngressConf: @jmsIngressSettings {
        connectionProvisionName: "activeMqConnection",
        destination: "topic://vehicles",
        contentTypeOverride: "json",
        relaySchema: @command {
          nodeUri: "/vehicle/$"
          laneUri: "addMessage",
          value: $value


Note that you’ll need to include any driver dependencies (in this case activemq) in your classpath.



A ConnectionFactory provision must be configured in order to create connections - see above for a simple example. connectionFactoryClass is a required property of the provision and must be the class name of the ConnectionFactory for the JMS provider you are using. Providing the ConnectionFactory class follows the Java Bean naming convention then properties of the ConnectionFactory can also be set here - such as brokerURL in the above example.

By referencing the ConnectionFactory provision, Connection provisions can now be created, although a single connection will often be sufficient per server, for use in agent configurations.


The destination JMS topic or queue can be configured in the jmsIngressConf as seen above. Topic and queue names are prepended with topic:// and queue:// respectively.


JNDI can be used to configure JMS specific properties by adding your file to the jar. Example file for ActiveMQ:

java.naming.factory.initial = org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
java.naming.provider.url = tcp://activemq:61616
topic.topicName = myTopic

Now in the server.recon file, configure the provisions and connectors to use JNDI to lookup resources. This is done by creating a JNDI provision and referencing it where needed:

# server.recon
provisions: {
  @provision("jndi") {
    class: "nstream.adapter.jms.JndiProvision"
  @provision("activeMqConnectionFactory") {
    class: "nstream.adapter.jms.ConnectionFactoryProvision"
    def: {
      "jndiProvisionName": "jndi"
  @provision("activeMqConnection") {
    class: "nstream.adapter.jms.ConnectionProvision"
    def: {
      connectionFactoryProvisionName: "activeMqConnectionFactory"

vehicle: @fabric {
  @plane(class: "nstream.adapter.runtime.AppPlane")
  @node {
    uri: "/jms"
    @agent(class: "nstream.adapter.jms.JmsIngestingPatch") {
      jmsIngressConf: @jmsIngressSettings {
        connectionProvisionName: "activeMqConnection",
        jndiProvisionName: "jndi",
        jndiDestination: "topicName",
        contentTypeOverride: "json",
        relaySchema: @command {
          nodeUri: "/vehicle/$"
          laneUri: "addMessage",
          value: $value


Common Variations

Custom Ingest Logic

If relaying messages to another agent is not sufficient, or you would like to add custom logic on ingestion of messages, the JmsIngestingPatch can be easily overridden. Create a new class that extends the JmsIngestingPatch and override one of the ingest methods, depending on whether you would like to ingest a Message or Value type.

  protected void ingest(Message unstructured) throws DeferrableException {
    // Custom ingestion of a Message

  protected void ingest(Value messageStructure) throws DeferrableException {
    // Custom ingestion of message as a Swim Value

Remember to update your server.recon file with the new agent you just created, instead of the JmsIngestingPatch.

Nstream is licensed under the Redis Source Available License 2.0 (RSALv2).